The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang
The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang (2019)

The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang

(12 الأصوات)



Just want to ask where the "detective"? Empty has the name of detective, do not take a side with crack a case film completely, under the guise of detective but the film does not have the appearance of detective, directly call a female ghost is not over bai, with pu songling what relationship?

WTF was Jackie Chan thinking when they were making this trash ????? His Yen was wrapped so tight around his yang his eyeball were bulging.

I enjoy watching every Jackie movie. This is nice Chinese Fantasy/Family movie.

Jackie Chan is doing at least 5 movies every year the last 10 years, and unfortunately quantity is over quality in most of them, especially when he is doing favours to new young actors to support them, but this one is highy underrated and I think it is because of wrong expectations. This is a fantasy-ghost-movie for family and not an action movie full of fights or mafia or policestories.

Hopefully, Jackie did this for the money, because, for me, a big disappointment. There was a glimmer of his former self in the club fight scene, using chairs to defend himself, but otherwise he just looked old (yes, his character was old, but where were the moves?

This is an asian high-fantasy movie rather than a martial arts flick. So adrenaline junkies looking to get their fix on this are going to be disappointed.

This really is an underrated movie. If it were in English it would likely have a 6 to 7 rating I'm certain.

If you do not know this type of movie and expect to see a Chan movie or a typical fantasy movie, then move on.

First off, The Knight Of Shadows is not your typical Jackie Chan, kung fu stunt filled action film! In fact, this is Jackie Chan enjoying himself, dangling on wires and dodging CGI monsters and demons - even throwing in a bit of singing between comedy routines just for fun...
